Friday, July 16, 2010

Week 28 (12 July – 16 July 2010)

Week 28 (12 July - 16 July 2010)


Class :

4S3, 4S4, 4K2

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 0815-0925, 1205-1240

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 6: Statistics

Learning Objectives :

6.3 represent and interpret data in histograms with class intervals

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. draw a histogram based on the frequency table of a grouped data
  2. interpret information from given histogram

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher explain the way how to draw a histogram and how the marking scheme for histogram.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interested in drawing graph.


13/7/10 (Tuesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 5: Chemical Bonds

Learning Objectives :

5.2 Synthesising ideas on formation of ionic bond

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • explain formation of ions,
  • write electron arrangements for the ions formed,
  • explain formation of ionic bond,
  • illustrate electron arrangement of an ionic bond,
  • illustrate formation of ionic bond.

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher use computer simulation to explain formation of ions and electron arrangement of ions and illustrate the existence of electrostatic force between ions of opposite charges in ionic bond.
  2. Do and discuss evaluation from teaching courseware.
  3. Students are required to do exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware and workbook

Noble values :

Think objectively

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.


14/7/10 (Wednesday)

Class :

4K2, 4S4

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 1205-1240

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 6: Statistics

Learning Objectives :

6.3 represent and interpret data in histograms with class intervals

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. solve problems involving histograms

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss a few examples.
  2. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interested in drawing graph.


15/7/10 (Thursday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 6: Statistics

Learning Objectives :

6.4 Represent and interpret data in Frequency polygons to solve problem

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. draw the frequency polygon based on:
    1. a histogram
    2. a frequency table

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher explain the way how to draw a frequency polygon and how the marking scheme for frequency polygon.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interested in drawing graph.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 6: Statistics

Learning Objectives :

6.3 represent and interpret data in histograms with class intervals

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. solve problems involving histograms

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss a few examples.
  2. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interested in drawing graph.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 5: Chemical Bonds

Learning Objectives :

5.3 Synthesising ideas on formation of covalent bond

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • state the meaning of covalent bond,
  • explain formation of covalent bond,
  • illustrate formation of a covalent bond by drawing electron arrangement,
  • illustrate formation of covalent bond,
  • compare and contrast formation of ionic and covalent bonds.

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher use computer simulation to illustrate formation of:
    1. single bond in hydrogen, H2, chlorine, Cl2, hydrogen chloride, HCl, water, H2O, methane, CH4, ammonia, NH3, tetrachloromethane, CCl4,
    2. double bond in oxygen, O2, carbon dioxide, CO2,
    3. triple bond in nitrogen, N2.
  2. Teacher draw diagrams showing electron arrangements for the formation of covalent bond including Lewis structure.
  3. Discuss and construct a mind map to compare the formation of covalent bond with ionic bond.
  4. Do and discuss evaluation from teaching courseware.
  5. Students are required to do exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware and workbook

Noble values :

Think objectively and cooperative

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.


16/7/10 (Friday)

Class :

4K2, 4S3

Date :


Time :

0940-1040, 1040-1140

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 6: Statistics

Learning Objectives :

6.4 Represent and interpret data in Frequency polygons to solve problem

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. draw the frequency polygon based on:
  1. a histogram
    1. a frequency table

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher explain the way how to draw a frequency polygon and how the marking scheme for frequency polygon.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interested in drawing graph.

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