Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 16 (19 April – 23 April 2010)

Week 16 (19 April – 23 April 2010)


for MC


20/4/10 (Tuesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 4: Periodic Table of Elements

Learning Objectives :

4.1 Analysing the Periodic Table of Elements

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • describe the contributions of scientists in the historical development of the Periodic Table,
  • identify groups and periods in the Periodic Table
  • state the basic principle of arranging the elements in the Periodic Table from their proton numbers
  • relate the electron arrangement of an element to its group and period
  • explain the advantages of grouping elements in the Periodic Table
  • predict the group and the period of an element based on its electron arrangement.

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher introduced the new topic and explains the meaning of Periodic Table.
  2. Discuss and study the arrangement of elements in the Periodic table from the following aspects:

    a. group and periods,

    b. proton number,

    c. electron arrangement.

3. Discuss the advantages of grouping the elements in the Periodic Table.

4. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware, hand out and workbook

Noble values :

Thinking rationally

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. All the students could followed the new concept very well.


21/4/10 (Wednesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning activities :

Topical Test (Chapter 4: Mathematical Reasoning)

Teaching Aids :

Test paper

Noble values :



Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning activities :

Discuss and do correction for Topical Test.

Teaching Aids :

Test paper

Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.



22/4/10 (Thursday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 5: The Straight Line

Learning Objectives :

5.3 Understand the concept of intercept

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. determine the x-intercept and the y-intercept of a straight line
  2. derive the formula for the gradient of a straight line in terms of the x-intercept and the y-intercept
  3. perform calculations involving gradient x-intercept and y-intercept

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher show the way how to find y-intercept and x-intercept.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Daring to try

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed and concentrated during the lesson.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning activities :

Discuss and do correction for Topical Test.

Teaching Aids :

Test paper

Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 4: Periodic Table of Elements

Learning Objectives :

4.2 Analysing Group 18 elements

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • list all Group 18 elements
  • state in general the physical properties of Group 18 elements,
  • describe the changes in the physical properties of Group 18 elements,
  • describe the inert nature of elements of Group 18,
  • relate the inert nature of Group 18 elements to their electron arrangements,
  • relate the duplet and octet electron arrangements of Group 18 elements to their stability
  • describe uses of Group 18 elements in daily life.

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for the previous exercise.
  2. Discuss the physical and chemical properties of Group 18.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware, hand out and workbook

Noble values :

Thinking rationally

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. However, still had 10% of the students could not follow the lesson very well.


23/4/10 (Friday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 5: The Straight Line

Learning Objectives :

5.2 Understand the concept of gradient of a straight line in Cartesian coordinates

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. derive the formula for the gradient of a straight line
  2. calculate the gradient of a straight line passing through two points
  3. determine the relationship between the value of the gradient and the:
    1. steepness
    2. direction of inclination

    of a straight line

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for Topical Test.
  2. Teacher introduced the formula for the gradient of a straight line.
  3. Teacher show the way how to find the gradient by using the formula.
  4. Discuss a few examples.
  5. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Hand out and workbook

Noble values :

Daring to try

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 5: The Straight Line

Learning Objectives :

5.3 Understand the concept of intercept

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. determine the x-intercept and the y-intercept of a straight line
  1. derive the formula for the gradient of a straight line in terms of the x-intercept and the y-intercept
  2. perform calculations involving gradient x-intercept and y-intercept

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher show the way how to find y-intercept and x-intercept.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Daring to try

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. A few students did not concentrated during the lesson and had been given warning.

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