Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 13 (29 Mac – 1 April 2010)

Week 13 (29 Mac - 1 April 2010)


Class :

4S3, 4S4

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 0815-0925

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 4: Mathematical Reasoning

Learning Objectives :

4.1 Understand the concept of Statement

4.2 Understand the concept of Quantifiers "all" and "some"

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • determine whether a given sentence is a statement
  • determine whether a given statement is true or false
  • construct true or false statement using given numbers and mathematical symbols
  • construct statements using quantifier
    • all
    • some
    • determine whether a statement that contains the quantifier "all" is true or false
    • determine whether a statement can be generalized to cover all cases by using the quantifier "all"
      • construct a true statement using the quantifier "all" or "some" given an object and a property"

Learning activities :

  • Teacher explain the meaning of statement and discuss some examples which is related to real life.
  • Discuss a few examples in format SPM.
  • Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Hand out and workbook

Noble values :

Daring to try

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. The students could followed the lesson easily.



Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 2: Quadratic Expressions and Equations

Learning Objectives :

2.1 Understand the concept of Quadratic Expression

2.2 Factorization quadratic expression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. Identify quadratic expressions
  2. Form quadratic expressions by multiplying any two linear expressions
  3. Form quadratic expressions based on specific situations

    iv Factorise quadratic expressions of the form ax2+bx+c=0, where b= 0 or c= 0

    v Factorise quadratic expressions of the form px2q, p and q are the perfect squares

Learning activities :

  1. Review this sub-topic by discussing a few examples.
  2. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Student could followed and do their exercise very well.


30/3/10 (Tuesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :


Learning Objectives :

3.2 Analysing the relationship between the number of moles with the number of particles

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • define a mole as the amount of matter that contains as many particles as the number of atoms in 12 g of 12C,
  • state the meaning of Avogadro constant,
  • relate the number of particles in one mole of a substance with the Avogadro constant,
  • solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles to the number of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Learning activities :

  1. Review the sub-topic.
  2. Discuss a few examples which related to calculation.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware

Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.


31/3/10 (Wednesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 2: Quadratic Expressions and Equations

Learning Objectives :

2.3 Understand the concept of Quadratic Equation

2.4 Understand the concept of Roots of quadratic equations

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. Identify quadratic equations with one unknown
  2. Write quadratic equations in general form i.e.

    ax2 + bx + c = 0

  3. Form quadratic equations based on specific situations
  4. determine whether a given value is a root of a specific quadratic equation
  5. determine the solutions for quadratic equations by:
    1. trial and error method
    2. factorization
  6. solve problems involving quadratic equation

Learning activities :

  1. Review this sub-topic by discussing a few examples.
  2. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Student could followed and do their exercise very well.



Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning activities :

Attend the "Ceramah dan Pameran Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah Bahagian Samarahan 2010".



1/4/10 (Thursday)

Class :

4S4, 4S3

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 0815-0925

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 4: Mathematical Reasoning

Learning Objectives :

4.3 Perform Operations Involving the words "not" or " no" statements

4.4 Understand the concept of Implication

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to


  • change the truth value of a given statement by placing the word "not" into the original statement
  • identify two statements from a compound statement that contains the word "and"
  • form a compound statement by combining two given statements using the word "and"
  • identify two statement from a compound statement that contains the word "or"
  • form a compound statement by combining two given statements using the word "or"
  • determine the truth value of a compound statement which is the combination of two statements with the word "and"

    determine the truth value of a compound statement which is the combination of two statements with the word "or"



  • identify the antecedent and consequent of an implication "if p, then q"
  • write two implications from a compound statement containing "if and only if"
  • construct mathematical statements in the form of implication:
  1. If p, then q
  2. p if and only if q
  • determine the converse of a given implication

    determine whether the converse of an implication is true or false

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss a few examples which related to the learning objective from the hand out given.
  2. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Hand out, workbook

Noble values :

Hardworking, honest

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the new concept very well.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :


Learning Objectives :

3.3 Analysing the relationship between the number of moles of a substance with its mass

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • state the meaning of molar mass
  • relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant,
  • relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass
  • solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to its mass and vice versa

Learning activities :

  1. Review the sub-topic.
  1. Discuss a few examples which related to calculation.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware

Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.


2/4/10 (Friday)

Public Holiday-Good Friday

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