Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 38 (20 – 24 Sept 2010)

Week 38 (20 – 24 Sept 2010)


Class :

4S3, 4S4, 4K2

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 0815-0925, 1205-1240

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 10: Angles of Elevation and Depression

Learning Objectives :

10.1 Understand and use the concept of Angle of elevation and angle of depression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. identify:
    1. the horizontal line
    2. the angle of elevation
    3. the angle of depression

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher explain the meaning of angle of elevation and angle of depression.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.

21/9/10 (Tuesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 7: Acid and bases

Learning Objectives :

7.2 Synthesising the concepts of strong acids, weak acids, strong alkalis and weak alkalis

7.3 Analysing concentration of acids and alkalis

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • state the use of a pH scale,
  • relate pH value with acidic or alkaline properties of a substance,
  • relate concentration of hydrogen ions with pH value,
  • relate concentration of hydroxide ions with pH value
  • relate strong or weak acid with degree of dissociation,
  • relate strong or weak alkali with degree of dissociation,
  • conceptualise qualitatively strong and weak acids,
  • conceptualise qualitatively strong and weak alkali.

  • state the meaning of concentration,
  • state the meaning of molarity,
  • state the relationship between the number of moles with molarity and volume of a solution,
  • describe methods for preparing standard solutions,
  • describe the preparation of a solution with a specified concentration using dilution


  • relate pH value with molarity of acid and alkali,
  • solve numerical problems involving molarity of acids and alkalis.

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher explain the difference of strong and weak acid and alkali.
  2. Teacher explain the meaning of concentration and molarity.
  3. Teacher shows the way how to solve numerical problems involving molarity of acids and alkalis.
  4. Discuss a few examples.
  5. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

ICT, hand out (note), workbook

Noble values :

Think rationally

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.

22/9/10 (Wednesday)

Class :

4K2, 4S4

Date :


Time :

0705-0815, 1205-1240

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 10: Angles of Elevation and Depression

Learning Objectives :

10.1 Understand and use the concept of Angle of elevation and angle of depression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. represent a particular situation involving
    1. the angle of elevation
    2. the angle of depression, using diagrams

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for previous exercise.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interesting and could followed the new concept very well.

23/9/10 (Thursday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 10: Angles of Elevation and Depression

Learning Objectives :

10.1 Understand and use the concept of Angle of elevation and angle of depression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. solve problems involving the angle of elevation and the angle of depression

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for the previous exercise.
  2. Discuss a few examples in SPM format.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 10: Angles of Elevation and Depression

Learning Objectives :

10.1 Understand and use the concept of Angle of elevation and angle of depression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. represent a particular situation involving
    1. the angle of elevation
      1. the angle of depression, using diagrams

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for previous exercise.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interesting and could followed the new concept very well.

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 7: Acid and bases

Learning Objectives :

7.4 Analysing neutralisation

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • explain the meaning of neutralisation,
  • explain the application of neutralisation in daily life,
  • write equations for neutralisation reactions,
  • describe acid-base titration,
  • determine the end point of titration during neutralisation
  • solve numerical problems involving neutralisation reactions to calculate either concentration or volume of solutions

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher shows the way how to write equations for neutralisation reactions.
  2. Explain the meaning of end-point of titration.
  3. Discuss a few examples.
  4. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware and workbook

Noble values :

Think objectively and cooperative

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.

24/9/10 (Friday)

Class :

4K2, 4S3

Date :


Time :

0940-1040, 1040-1140

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 10: Angles of Elevation and Depression

Learning Objectives :

10.1 Understand and use the concept of Angle of elevation and angle of depression

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. solve problems involving the angle of elevation and the angle of depression

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for the previous exercise.
  2. Discuss a few examples in SPM format.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.

25/9/10 (Saturday-replace Tuesday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 7: Acid and bases

Learning Objectives :

7.4 Analysing neutralisation

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • explain the meaning of neutralisation,
  • explain the application of neutralisation in daily life,
  • write equations for neutralisation reactions,
  • describe acid-base titration,
  • determine the end point of titration during neutralisation
  • solve numerical problems involving neutralisation reactions to calculate either concentration or volume of solutions

Learning activities :

Discuss the prrevious exercise.

Teaching Aids :

ICT, hand out (note), workbook

Noble values :

Think rationally

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. All the students had done their exercise well.

Week 36 & 37 (6 Sept – 17 Sept 2010)

Week 36&37 (6 Sept – 17 Sept 2010)


2nd Midterm Break



Cuti Peristiwa



Cuti Ganti



Public Holiday-Hari Malaysia

Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 35 (30 Aug – 3 Sept 2010)

Week 35 (30 Aug – 3 Sept 2010)


Class :

4S3, 4S4, 4K2

Date :


Time :

0705-0805, 0805-0905, 1120-1150

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 9: Trigonometry II

Learning Objectives :

9.1 Values of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. determine the values of sine, cosine and tangent for special angles
    1. determine the values of the angles in quadrant I which correspond to the values of the angles in other quadrants
    2. State the relationships between the values of:
      1. sine
      2. cosine, and
      3. tangent

    of angles in quadrant II, III and IV with their respective values of the corresponding angle in quadrant I

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher shows the way how to determine the value of sine, cosine and tangent.
  2. Discuss a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.


31/8/10 (Tuesday)

Public Holiday – National Day


1/9/10 (Wednesday)

Class :

4K2, 4S4

Date :


Time :

0705-0805, 1120-1150

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 9: Trigonometry II

Learning Objectives :

9.1 Values of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. Find the values of sine, cosine and tangent of the angles between 90º and 360º
  2. Find the angles between 0º and 360º, given the values of sine, cosine and tangent
  3. Solve problems involving sine, cosine and tangent

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for previous exercise.
  2. Teacher show the way how to solve problems involving sine cosine and tangent by discussing a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interesting and could followed the new concept very well.


2/9/10 (Thursday)

Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 9: Trigonometry II

Learning Objectives :

9.2 Draw and use Graphs of sine, cosine and tangent

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. draw the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º
  2. compare the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º
  3. solve problems involving graphs of sine, cosine and tangent

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for the previous exercise.
  2. Teacher show the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º.
  3. Discuss a few examples in SPM format.
  4. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 9: Trigonometry II

Learning Objectives :

9.1 Values of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. Find the values of sine, cosine and tangent of the angles between 90º and 360º
  2. Find the angles between 0º and 360º, given the values of sine, cosine and tangent
  3. Solve problems involving sine, cosine and tangent

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for previous exercise.
  2. Teacher show the way how to solve problems involving sine cosine and tangent by discussing a few examples.
  3. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :


Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students were very interesting and could followed the new concept very well.


Class :


Date :


Time :


Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 7: Acid and bases

Learning Objectives :

7.1 Analysing characteristics and properties if acids and bases

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  • state the meaning of acid, base and alkali,
  • state uses of acids, bases and alkalis in daily life,
  • explain the role of water in the formation of hydrogen ions to show the properties of acids,
  • explain the role of water in the formation of hydroxide ions to show the properties of alkalis,
  • describe chemical properties of acids and alkalis.

Learning activities :

  1. Teacher introduce the new topic by discussing a few daily life examples.
  2. Discuss the meaning and uses of acid, bases and alkalis.
  3. Discuss the role of water in the formation of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to show the properties of acids and alkalis respectively.
  4. Students are required to do the exercise from workbook.

Teaching Aids :

Teaching courseware and workbook

Noble values :

Think objectively and cooperative

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the lesson very well.


3/9/10 (Friday)

Class :

4K2, 4S3

Date :


Time :

0940-1040, 1040-1140

Subject :


Learning Area :

Chapter 9: Trigonometry II

Learning Objectives :

9.2 Draw and use Graphs of sine, cosine and tangent

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

  1. draw the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º
  2. compare the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º
  3. solve problems involving graphs of sine, cosine and tangent

Learning activities :

  1. Discuss and do correction for the previous exercise.
  2. Teacher show the graphs of sine, cosine and tangent for angles between 0º and 360º.
  3. Discuss a few examples in SPM format.
  4. Students are required to do the exercise at workbook.

Teaching Aids :


Noble values :

Patient, tidy

Reflections :

Learning outcomes had been achieved. Students could followed the concept very well.